Night Killer (1990)
Time to play, Mrs. Beck
6 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A deranged and depraved masked serial killer rapes and murders women in the city of Virginia Beach. Paranoid Melanie Beck (a hilariously histrionic performance by Tara Buckman) manages to avoid getting off by the wacko, but of course the killer isn't going to let her stay alive for long.

Directors Claudio Fragasso and Bruno Mattei deliver a satisfyingly sleazy and screwball mix of tacky gore, tasty bare female flesh (Buckman bares her beautifully bountiful breasts several times), and baffling plot twists that don't make a lick of sense, but are still quite an enjoyably atrocious sight to behold just the same. With his goofy rubber mask and silly giant plastic claw, the killer comes across like a poverty row version of Freddy Krueger. (The killer's lewd taunts to Mrs. Beck are simply priceless, too). Buckman's eye-rolling overacting provides a wondrous wealth of unintentional guffaws. Ditto Peter Hooten's equally hammy portrayal of smarmy stalker creep Axel. The uproariously lame surprise twisting ending serves as the perfectly pathetic gut-busting punchline to this awesomely asinine cinematic shaggy dog joke. A total schlocky hoot.
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