Good but overrated
14 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's a good show but it's way overrated. I had high expectations from what I've heard and it didn't live up to it.

Here are the things I didn't like: Careful, spoilers alert!

1. I expected it to be more thrilling. It's more of a drama than a thriller. It was a little slow paced for my liking. Not a huge problem but I thought it would focus more on the murder/missing women.

2. Mare was a very unlikable character. Kate Winslet did a good job but the writers should have made her more likable. Honestly, she was more annoying than anything else.

3. A cop or a detective cannot get caught stealing drugs from the evidence storage room and just get away with it! I get she was desperate to keep her grandson but how stupid is she? If it's marked then obviously someone would notice that and also it's a completely immoral thing to do. It's her grandson's mother! I agree that It's probably better for Drew to stay with Mare for now but Mare should have helped Carrie if she really cared about her grandson. Carrie is his mother and it's bad enough he doesn't have his father. Pushing his mother away is the wrong thing to do and planting the drugs was both stupid and illegal! She shouldn't have done it. Period.

4. The only reason they actually caught the kidnapper is because Mare had a contact woman on the streets that brought a witness that had a partial license plate. If she searched for Becky for over a year, why didn't she contact her before? The scene in the kidnapper's house was amazing but I wish they got there because of something detective Colin did. If you think about it, they got there because of Mare and the reason he died was because he wasn't prepared and the kidnapper was faster. He didn't save Mare or the girls and it made his death meaningless. I liked him a lot so it's a shame.

5. I don't know if anybody else noticed that but I can't get passed Erin's diaries storyline. The idea that a teenager is murdered and the cops don't search her room for her diaries is RIDICULOUS! Even more so that Mare knew about it. She checked the place Erin's friend told her about and when she didn't find them she just gave up? It was so stupid! They should have had the diaries from the start. Maybe it's possible to miss the photograph if Erin really hid it and they didn't know to look for it but no way they missed the journals if they bothered to look for them! And not searching for them is even worse than that. If Mare and Colin were good detectives they would have known a teen's diary would most likely contain important information about her life!

6. I didn't like that Erin's baby ended up with Lori. His mother is dead, his biological father is in jail, his grandfather is also in jail and the only people he ever knew just gave him up? Or was it a court decision? I don't know but I think he'd be better off with Dylan's parents than with Lori. How could she love him? Her husband cheated on her and her son went to jail because of it. A really complicated situation that didn't get enough attention.

7. There are other things that I didn't like about the story. A few plot holes here and there. Not huge ones but they were still there. For example, an ex cop notices his gun is missing but doesn't report it. Then he realizes the gun is back but two bullets are missing and still nothing? I get that he is old but he is not stupid and it's not like Erin's murder was a secret. Way too weird! Another example for unexplained behavior is Frank. Why did Frank lie to Mare about Erin? If she was his student and he just helped her once, why lie about it? What's the problem? Same goes for the priest. I get that he was afraid to go to the cops because of his past record but if he cared about Erin, which obviously he did otherwise why pick her up in the middle of the night, then why not tell the police what really happened? If he took his phone with him, which he most likely did then the GPS data would show he drove from the park back to his house and not back to the woods where Erin's body was dumped.

All in all it was a decent show, I would definitely recommend people to watch it but there was too much hype about it and my expectations were too high. Also, more attention to details was needed to really wrap it up better.
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