Nice but a bit bland!
27 June 2021
It's subtle, I'll give you that, but maybe it's too subtle. Having seen much better movies on the dynamics of love & the price that we may need to pay in order to attain a loving relationship, I found this movie a bit too bland. Don't get me wrong, it's still a decent movie; just not one that leaves me with a sense of fulfilment.

A successful businessman, with a flourishing business and a dull & overbearing wife, faces midlife crisis. It seems that the remedy is to find love with someone who is a polar opposite to him in temperament & lifestyle. I must admit that I didn't quite get why he fell so hard for the woman in question that he was willing to make a fool of himself, even in front of his own staff.

There are other minor stories too in the film. The common theme is that everyone has distinct tastes & sometimes we may need to make an effort to see the good in people. Personally, I'm not sure how well this approach of trying a polar opposite works but then again, different people have different experiences!
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