War of the Worlds (2019– )
Bore of the Worlds
13 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this. I made it through season 1 without too much problem (more on that in a moment) but I'm afraid season 2 did for me. Currently just finished episode 4 and I had to fast forward through some of it, just like the previous episodes.

See... it had potential. Season 1 was not too bad. I admit, I saw the final episode coming for that first season a mile off. I mean... aliens that design their robotic assassins to resemble something Boston Dynamics might churn out... really. But even so, that last episode of Season 1 was a very large disappointment. Ho hum... the aliens are us, but with better tech, so they are probably from the future. Yawn...

Then we have the cast of characters. All utterly unlikeable. Not a one that you will care about. I'm serious. They are all awful. When you are watching an episode and the only joy you are getting out of it is watching the cast die off, then that says something about the level of writing.

There is no joy in this show. I get it... it's an invasion. People die. It's a grim scenario and things are always darkest before the dawn etc. But man! You can do that without making the show such a drear-fest. This feels like it was written by depressed sad sacks striving to outdo each other for who could make the most miserable scenes.

Further, the pacing is so slow. I mean glacial at times. Too much focus on the misery of the human condition and not enough moving the plot (such as it is) forward. This makes many of the scenes painfully dull to sit through.

So what about season 2? Worse, if anything. At least season 1 had the novelty of newness and figuring out what was going on and what each character was about. Season 2 has none of that. In fact season 2 is worse in other ways too.

There is no more character exploration. No more figuring out. Just the endless "delight" of watching characters be dumb, be miserable and be oblivious to the obvious. The pacing seems even slower, if that were possible.

Of course, there is always the staple of badly-written shows... the dysfunctional family dynamic, rearing its ugly head from time to time. As if the show wasn't miserable enough torture without that.

As I say, I have started fast-forwarding, which is always a bad sign. I suspect this will mark as far as I go with this show. Apparently there is a season 3 to come, which is astounding. Guess they'll drag the non-existent story out even further with more dreariness and misery.

SUMMARY: Early potential squandered with obvious plot developments, snail-like pacing and unlikeable characters. Too much grim-dark nonsense and misery in the writing. I'd like to say it was fun whilst it lasted but I'd be lying.
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