Review of Peter Pan

Peter Pan (1976 TV Movie)
It flies on its own fairy dust!!!
20 July 2021
Disney's animated classic has become timeless, whereas Mary Martin and Cyril Ritchard made it alive for the stage and captured for the small screen (kudos for Sandy Duncan and Charlotte d'Amboise too!). Those were the idyllic fifties, before cynicism and nihilism took over our dreams and souls.

Yet in the middle of the seventies, a particularly depressing time, British television through Hallmark delivered a gem unwisely and unfairly overlooked. Innocent, charming, delightfully entertaining and astonishingly creative, this retelling of the unsurprising tale of the boy that didn't grow up made it new and unique in its own way due to a remarkable combination of talents and teamwork.

Sure, Mia Farrow looks annoying and stubborn, but isn't it the way a proud tween usually behaves? Alas, Barrie's stagings are as good as their Captain Hook/Mr. Darling provide the necessary counterpoint of the story, and here we have the legendary Danny Kaye delivering not only a blissfully larger than life characterization but also enough warmth, malice and gusto to make the role his own and host a compelling ride. Additionally, this special presentation comes along with the serene and ethereal presence of Virginia McKenna in the critical and essential part of Mrs. Darling, and the alluring and breathtaking dancing of Paula Kelly as Tiger Kelly. Damn! Even John Gielgud lends its mellifluous diction to serve as narrator, and last, but certainly not least, our adored and venerated Julie Andrews returns home to familiar ground to gracefully illuminate the show enchanting the audience with the title song.

And this last feature is unquestionably the most enduring and endearing contribution of this TV movie. I mean, this original song score was composed by none others than Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse! Each one of the carefully crafted creations cradled by the genius of this extraordinary pair wrap the audience with a silky and sparkly cadence filled with echoes that range from The roar..., Stop the world..., and even Doctor Dolittle, but overflowing with originality, masterfully arranged and allowing them to glow not only to be sung but performed as they enhance the storytelling.

Fortunately, the video is available in YouTube (although somewhat tarnished by what must have been countless videocassette transfers and re-recordings); so we can enjoy it as often as we ought to. And maybe, someday perhaps the remastered soundtrack will be released to call for a permanent salute to the joyful and thrilling legacy of Bricusse, and to revere, bow, praise, celebrate and acknowledge the outstanding gifts bestowed upon Anthony Newley, a multidimensional artist, fascinating celebrity, misunderstood person and renaissance character.
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