Burning Sands (2017)
Powerful, But Falls Short Of What It Could Be
22 July 2021
The world of fraternities is a closed, alien one to people like me - a Brit who has never lived in the USA, and never really liked the whole old boy networks that run so many things in the world. Hazing - ritualised bullying and abuse - only makes it seem more distant, and that's the subject of this film which tells the story of a Hell Week which spins out of control. It's distinguished by some good performances and some subtle direction; I'm not a great deal clearer on how these rituals have got to this place, though the film wants to make a case that driving them underground has made them worse. That's a valid view, but this is a film that wants to show rather than discuss. It shows well - uncomfortably, unnervingly, chillingly and powerfully. But it falls short of what it could be, and what this subject matter needs.
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