Settlers (2021)
25 July 2021
Initially when I stumbled upon this 2021 sci-fi movie from writer and director Wyatt Rockefeller, I must admit that the synopsis for the movie sounded interesting enough. So I opted to sit down to watch "Settlers".

But wow, what did I just suffer through here? At least you'd think the movie makers would even just put in an effort to make the environment feel like it was actually taking place on the Martian frontier. But no, instead we are treated to an environment that just feel like a dried out Texas backyard. It was lacking so much creditability that it was hard to take it serious. Especially because there was no sense of it being Mars or even having much of any sci-fi feel to it.

And there are so many questions to be answered in "Settlers". Why is there water on Mars, and where does it come from? How is there air on Mars, and where does it come from? Why are there chickens and pigs on Mars?

Not only does "Settlers" lack a sense of sci-fi atmosphere, but it was also lacking interesting characters. I kid you not, the most interesting character in the movie was Steve. Yeah, and he was a single-function work robot with no dialogue. Indeed, out of a whopping five characters, four humans and a robot, it was the robot that carried the movie.

I am in awe that dribble such as "Settlers" could make the transition from script paper onto the screen, and even more so that people actually funded this project. Didn't they read the script and see how barren and pointless it was?

Even the storyline told in "Settlers" was uninteresting, and it progressed so insanely slow that you could easily drift off to sleep, wake up 30 minutes later and still be up to speed with the movie and not having missed out on anything crucial.

"Settlers" was a massive swing and a miss, and it was a shame, because there definitely was potential for something entertaining and enjoyable here.

It should be said that the movie did have a good ensemble of casted actors and actresses, despite it being only four people essentially. But the actors and actresses never stood a snowballs chance in Hell here, because the script was atrociously bland and pointless, and the characters and dialogue was just so amazingly poorly written.

I am not overly keen on sci-fi movies in general, and it is movies such as "Settlers" that just adds fuel to the fire and keeps the sci-fi aversion going.

I am rating "Settlers" a generous two out of ten stars. This was a complete and utter waste of time and effort.
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