Mostly bad and confusing (part 1&2)
28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Even though I'm a Batman fan, I haven't read The Long Halloween comicbook but I know it's supposed to be a classic. Still though, this movie is bad.

I'm okay with Batman making a lot of mistakes, because I think this is like a story taking place very early in his carreer. This however contradicts many other things, like Catwoman knowing Batman's true identity, and the all of Batman's villain being in the story without proper introduction. That proves that this is not an early story and that Batman should not be making so many mistakes.

This is another TwoFace origin story. Come on guys! Stop retconning stories that are already established! Two face had so many different origin stories already!

The mafia families are boring and confusing. I dont know who is who and what they want. They all died and I didn't even care.

Retconning Bruce's parents motivations. This time they had ties with the mafia, and that's why they died. Again, stop changing stories that are already established! But we had to see yet again Bruce's parents dying int he alley. Move on writers, we have seen this 5 times already this decade.

All of Batman's villains appear, without good reason. Yes, let's have Ivy, Scarecrow, Mad Hatter and Grundy appear out of nowhere and serve no actual purpose because we have 3 hours of movie to fill. They just exist. For no reason. Other to fight Batman. When Batman was fighting all of them, I just skipped that part because it was just silly fanservice.

When the same thing happened with Husk I was kind of okay. I read that comic and it was long and it was dragging, but at least it was the first time I saw a Batman story that showed all of his villains. And this happens here too? Are all Batman comic stories like that? How boring and predictable and repetitive! (This happens in Batman Cataclysm and No Mans Land too)

The story takes place in a year of Batman's life. So he had nothing else to do? No other threats? Are the villains only mafia's puppets that follow orders for an entire year? Even Joker? Who are you kidding?! How come Grundy follow TwoFace's lead? Nothing makes sense! Nothing is explained!

Calendar man appears a few times and he serves no purpose to the story. And he is so similar to the Holiday killer that it's just confusing to me.

The art and animation is very good, but some art lines are too thin and other lines are too thick, even on the same fingers sometimes. I find this more inconsistent, distracting and annoying, than stylistic and artsy.

Batman is not clever or a good detective. As the 2nd part was finishing, I was annoyed when it was implied that TwoFace was the Holiday killer, because TwoFace was also the bad guy in Husk! But after that is clear that his weird faced girlfriend was behind everything. Which was evident from the start since Harvey never had a girlfriend and she had way too much screen time for a character we never seen before.

The story could have been told in 90 minutes. 180 minutes was long and boring full of fillers. The main villain was somewhat justified, but a girl that can commit methodical murders and have such skills out of nowhere is a stretch. Also, killing the guy who was in love with, felt out of character.

The past 5-6 years the Batman 2d animations are generally not as good as they used to be.
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