Review of Plankton

Plankton (1994 Video)
I would have given it a five had it been made in the 80's...
2 August 2021
I watched this film in amazement as it was absolutely bizarre. All through this thing I thought it was a film from the 80's, then I look it up and it is from 1994. So the effects look very dated for 1994 as John Carpenter's The Thing boosts way superior effects and it was made 10 years prior to this thing. I am probably being generous giving it a four as it has such horrible editing that even I noticed the editing was bad! It also boosts five of the most annoying and stupid characters ever put to film! Three of them were at least easy on the eyes I guess. Not sure why they went with Plankton rather than Creatures of the Abyss, that one makes it sound so much more ominous while this one just sounds like it should have been a nature documentary...

The story, well, five people who are super excited and talking over each other in what seems to be a cocaine induced frenzy get a raft and put it in the water, a rather small raft I might add. Hilarious hi jinks ensue as one of them gets caught in a net! Okay, it wasn't that funny, but the characters sure thought it was! Well, they get stranded as their tiny boat ran out of gas, good news as storms don't happen in the summer one of the characters said and then they get caught in a storm. Thankfully, they find a yacht, unfortunately, it is filled to the brim with fish monstrosities that are horny...still not sure how are why this plot point was needed or what was going on throughout most of the film.

So, most of the film was filler as the fish attacks are few and far between. For reasons that still baffle me there is a bathroom with like a sexy hostess or something that tells you how to shower and none of the characters are stunned by this...apparently, they've been in a shower like this previously? There is also a wall clock that says stupid things and also rarely tells time and this too is not questioned. Very strange movie that seemed to be trying to go in a sexy horror direction, but it is just too gross in sections to pull this off successfully.

So, the film was edited poorly and you really do not understand what the heck the cast is saying until they get on the yacht. Still, it was so crazy that you could not look away and the effects had a certain charm. Though, the film would have been more impressive had it been made in the 80's, because it sure did have that vibe to it.
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