Pointless drivel
4 August 2021
Sorry to be so harsh, but, well, it goes on and on saying nothing of interest and meaning nothing at all, so "pointless drivel" it is.

When it first started I had some modest hopes for it. I genuinely like experimental video and weird films. My favorite film is probably "Forbidden Zone" (1980). I love "Eraserhead" (1977), "Zachariah" (1971), "Death Race 2000" (1975), "Being John Malkovich" (1999), "Inception" (2010), and on and on. So, okay a visitor from the 5th dimension trying to find out what Hollywood really is, combined with lots of fast edits and some known and unknown film clips actually caught my interest. I thought cool, it's going to be a big budget experimental film with a hint of sci-fi. But then it devolved into these completely lame disjointed scenes with dialogue that was either largely unscripted or written by a ten year old (or a Waring blender). Everybody takes drugs; whoop-di-do. The "acting" is laughable. I stuck with it for about 40 minutes, to my chagrin. But I found myself unable to pay attention anymore after that it was so inane and boring.

I kind of suspect somebody wanted to do a film about modern day Hollywood or Hollywood in the '80s, perhaps after having seen "Mondo Hollywood" (1967)--hence the name. But having written the lamest script ever, somebody else, or maybe that same person given the feedback they would have received on the script, decided to take the same script, break it up into three parts, and thread an incredibly thin alien-from-the-5th-dimension theme through it to spice it up. (It didn't work. Nothing could.) That's pure speculation, but gives the flavor of the experience of trying to watch this turkey.

Two stars instead of one because some of the editing was impressive, and some of the clips chosen were pretty cool.

Don't waste your time.
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