9 August 2021
Low-Budget American-Italian Revenge Plot.

Personalized by an American Computer Programmer Stationed in Italy.

Last Film From the Celebrated Director Dymytryk Known for "Crossfire" (1947), "Murder My Sweet" (1944), "The Caine Mutiny" (1954), and Others.

His Hollywood Career became Exiled by the HUAC Witch-Hunt.

Intense Film, Anchored by a Determined, No-Nonsense George Kennedy.

After His Family is Executed, a Near-Suicidal Kennedy Regroups and Sets-Out on a Vendetta Against the Terrorist Responsible.

His Family, as it Turns was a Random Display of Activity to Extort Money and Prisoner Release.

Killing American Families Until Demands are Met.

The Computer Organization who Employs the Juggernaut who is Kennedy is Linked to the U. S. Govt and Specifically the Military.

Gets Help from Friendly Insiders and the Hunt is On.

Taut, Violent, and Suspenseful Film with a Surprisingly Effective Combination of Brains and Brawn from a Limited Actor.

Gritty, Far-Fetched, Wild and Primitive Display of 1975 Embryonic Computer Technology.

Films Date this Sort of Thing Profoundly and is Always an Awkward Attraction.

A Hidden-Gem Discovery.

Despite the Stone-Age Distraction of the Computers and the Hubris of its Overseer's Imaginary Capabilities,

The Film is Definitely...

Worth a Watch.
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