Lackluster Day-Hudson Comedy
27 August 2021
This film is listed under the Comedy, Drama, and Romance genres. But there is very little drama, because comedy drives the story. There is also very little romance. Doris Day and Rock Hudson play a married couple, Judy and George. The story mostly takes place within the confines of their home, but centers on the small society group they belong to. It's a caricatured picture of middle America, where everyone gossips, everyone is seeking social status based upon compliance with group norms, and keeping up with the Joneses is the main hobby.

George, a raging hypochondriac, believes he only has weeks to live. He sets off on a plan to secure the financial well-being of Judy, though he doesn't tell her about the diagnosis. His neighbor and buddy, Arnold (Tony Randall), is enlisted in his efforts.

The film does not deserve high marks simply because it is not that funny. And each of the primary actors usually turns in better (and funnier) performances.

This is an early directorial effort of Norman Jewison, which makes it interesting. Paul Lynde is good as a cemetery plot salesman. And Clint Walker is effective as a former college sweetheart of Judy's. But there are plenty of better comedies to watch.
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