Review of Help

Help (2021 TV Movie)
16 September 2021
Sarah (Killing Eve and Free Guy's Jodie Comer) is hired as a care worker at Sunshine Homes. The job is relentless, demanding and unglamourous. They're still under-staffed, even following her arrival. Breakfast becomes a full-scale clean-up operation when a resident flings a bowl of cornflakes onto the floor.

There is always something that needs doing. But Sarah is happy to be there, satiated by a newfound sense of purpose. And crucially, she's good at her job. Until Covid-19 hits.

I found this film to be a hard-hitting and very well acted drama, with gripping social commentary on the pandemic. Jodie Comer delivers a fantastic performance as the lead. This is a film about Covid-19 which is gripping and intense without being offensive or distateful. It's not always an easy watch, but I recommend you do.
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