The Girl in the Bathtub (2018 TV Movie)
Many people are living on juice and drugs these days, so why tell this movie is off point?
22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe the reviews! 🙄 I think most are projecting so much when reviewing!

And, as the reality of life is; there are so many people like Julia nowadays. And if some lady here said 'she is worst than 16 y old..' where do you live lady??

There are so many train wreck girls out there.

And men no less.

This girl had problem with drinking and also with making life less lonely with all sorts of men, where drinking definitely was a big helping hand.

I know many men who sleep around and not even need to be hammered daily at all.

And as I hear, 'which man would not do that? Especially if he is not married and is single.

If this is normal, how is not this Tory touching reality around us, where other movies are just trying to be slightly rubbing reality or other movies having different focus are not so 'offensive' because the sleeping with whoever person there is not the main focus.

People should really look at the point this movie is making rather than their personal hate towards behaviour that is anyway so common these days.

Whoever tells me that old people who booze and sleep around are having more sense at times in their life than this woman might had.. honestly where do you live? In pink bubble???

Only to go to few dates off dating app can get you pretty miserable, should someone be depressed and joined with alcohol-trouble is up.

Also seeing how many troubled and on surface successfully starting young people there are only deeply quite empty and drug addicted - people should just wake up.

There are many people like her (men very much included even with one night stand non stop) who are living mess. It does not hurt to show the actual stupidity and emptiness of it, at least she was aware of it.

The self narrating was annoying at times.
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