A movie where you can see a huge difference
7 October 2021
I looked through some of the comments of other people, including some who claimed to be history students. The history he studied may be just a profile.

First of all, it is really not a propaganda tool. I am sorry to say that the resistance of many Westerners to this movie. In real time, this is basically the real Chinese understanding of that period of history. Perhaps this reflects a huge difference in cognition.

Whether who won or lose, for the Chinese, that war is iconic. Before China was involved in the war, the Chinese government did repeatedly (15 times in my impression) not to cross the 38-degree line. However, no one listened to China's warnings. That's the in real history, and China have to engaged in the war which they did not want.

In the historical memory of the Chinese people, the general trend of the war is consistent with the movie. The mainstream view in China does not believe that China won the entire Korean War, but that China in that barren era achieved its strategic goals by virtue of its tenacious will.

And whether these characters are completely equivalent to the plot of the movie, we don't have to take it seriously. But for the Chinese, that war gave birth to many heroic deeds. These heroes and veterans will certainly magnify some facts in their memories, but they do represent the will of that era. But to a large extent, we can understand these plots as the Chinese collective memory of this period of history.

Friends who study history, if you really go to Afghanistan to see what happened there, you will find that they have their own historical memory. I think that in fact, no matter whether a country wins or loses, there are heroes. These countries and people should be given a chance to write their own heroes. In fact, many heroes may be just small people. Maybe they have gone through a certain period behind the flashlight. They are just the epitome of the times. If there were no movies and literary works, they might have been forgotten long ago.

What needs to be emphasized is that if you really understand China, China is very disgusted with war. China has experienced too many history and feelings that Westerners are not familiar with. On the contrary, China has great sympathy and empathy for countries and individuals who are in war or suffering.

Aside from this, the movie itself has a basic performance in addition to the mentally handicapped special effects, whether it is individual or as a whole.

Regarding the issue of actors, in fact, most people in China do not understand the meaning behind the expressions of foreigners, so they cannot judge the acting skills of Westerners, just like the Chinese faces in countless movies do not hinder Western judgments.

Maybe to you, the story of this movie is meaningless. But the story here does express others' understanding of the same period of history.
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