Very disappointing
15 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the original movie, don't ask me why, maybe it's because I watched it in the theatre as a teenager and I grew up watching the likes of Sarah Michelle Geller and Jennifer Love Hewitt etc but it is always a movie I can return to, especially during the Halloween period. This series simply sucks in comparison.

I don't understand why they would complicate such a simple premise but somehow they manage to. The twin sister angle is just pointless and adds nothing to the story except complexity. They are twins, regardless of their differences or anger towards each other, you would think losing a twin would be the most devastating thing ever and yet she does not seem too affected by that or at least not to the extent you would expect someone to be.

There is no build up to the kill scenes (isn't this the reason why we watch slasher slows and flicks?). It just happens, with no real atmosphere. You barely catch glimpses of the killer. Why not show the killer more with the black slicker like in the movie? You would see the silhouette without seeing the face In the movie, in this one you don't see anything.

Why even call this show after the movie? This could quite honestly be a completely different name because it does not remind me of the movie one bit. It's just another teen drama with a death here and there. You don't really care for the main character for obvious reasons and the rest of the characters you don't really get to know so you don't care when they die. They should have mimicked the movie in that respect because you very quickly understand the characters and do care when they die, there's simply no shock factor in this show.

I would say completely miss this show if you are a fan of the original movie because it's nothing like the original, or even the second one at that. This is just a plain old waste of time. I gave four stars because the production quality is good, it's just a shame that the characters are lame and there is no real suspense as to what is going to happen next.
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