The Vagrant (1992)
Corny Comedy dressed up as a Thriller/Horror
16 October 2021
.The main issue with this movie is the script. It takes an intriguing premise and makes it into a confusing mess. You're left wondering what is going on, waiting for a twist or wrinkle. The supposed payoff is so lame and low-effort it's embarassing. This needed a rewrite or two to add suspense and a fleshed-out conclusion. As it stands, there are lots of pointless loose ends, useless characters, and Michael Ironside is sadly wasted.

It's mediocre, yet watchable. Cheesy, but not without a couple laughs and surreal story developments. Without any spoilers, I loved the dream sequences and the trailer park scenes and characters. Bill Paxton is out of place here, he doesn't nail the 'normal' version of his character, nor the wild and crazy scenes, either. But he is watchable as always

This is a perfect movie to fall asleep to. Dull but comfy.
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