Atragon (1963)
Manda Is Atragon In 60 Seconds
21 October 2021
Gotengo? More like Go-four-out-of-ten-go hehe :)

This film never fully manages to immerse me as a viewer and it is not very well-paced. The film makes attempts to say something about Japan's past,patriotism,duty and war but it does not do it very well unfortunately.

For most of its 95 minute runtime this film is people talking to each-other to try and convey the earlier mentioned messages and themes but there is way too much spoken and not enough shown, the acting never fully sells the depth the film is going for either.

The effects are quite good and the Gotengo is cool. Manda is in it way too briefly to make much of an impact and does not live up to the hype built up by the Mu people in the film.

All-in-all a disappointing outing from TOHO. I would only recommend it to Godzilla completionists that want to see the first appearances of Manda, the Gotengo and the Absolute Zero weapon.
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