Shelter in Place (III) (2021)
Slow paced, uneventful and downright boring...
23 October 2021
I was lured into watching the 2021 horror movie "Shelter in Place" given the movie's cover/poster and the fact that it was a new horror movie that I hadn't already seen.

Now, I can't claim that the movie's synopsis did much to sway me, and with it being yet another movie taking place amidst a global pandemic, I must admit that my interest in the movie sort of waned a bit. But on the odd chance that writers and directors Chris Beyrooty and Connor Martin might actually dish out something worthwhile here with "Shelter in Place", I sat down to watch it.

And I managed to endure 63 minutes of pure boredom, and then I just tossed the towel in the ring, giving up on the movie out of sheer boredom and tedious watching. Wow, this movie was slow paced and it was not even the slightest bit scary. Well, unless you consider a movie with just essentially five people on the cast list as being scary, then by all means...

Now, I am sure that the actors and actresses on the cast list, all five of them were doing good jobs, but they virtually had nothing to work with in terms of an interesting storyline, well-detailed characters or riveting dialogue. So they were just fighting an already lost uphill battle.

No, "Shelter in Place" was a swing and a miss, and it completely fell short of providing me with any worthwhile entertainment, so this is not a movie that I would recommend you rush out to get your hands on.

My rating of "Shelter in Place" lands on a generous two out of ten stars. Sadly, then the movies cover/poster was actually the best part about the entire ordeal.
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