Eat, Drink and be Married (2019 TV Movie)
29 October 2021
Billie is consulting with an engaged couple, Jess and Max, about their wedding. Jess is being a bit of a control freak in her strive for perfection, and Max could care less. She even has a diagram of the exact dimensions of the flower vases she wants. Right away I'm on Team Max. After the meeting they decide (rightly) to take a break. When Max's brother hears about it, he storms in to Billie's place guns a blazing (figuratively). He blames Billie for the break up because she was the last person the couple talked to. Meanwhile Billie learns that the beloved old building that her family had had her business in is being sold after being in her family for 3 generations. Which begs the first question. How could her beloved building be sold? Don't they own it? If not, why not? Seems a little lame. Anyway, Charlie enlists Billie to save the wedding, and in return, he will save the building because he's in real estate. And his Uncle's company is the one that is going to tear down the building and put up a parking lot. (literally). Everything goes as expected from there, including Charlie being unsuccessful in handling his end of the bargain. By the end of this, I was left with more than several nagging questions.

She makes a living how though? Takes old after wedding detritus and gives it to charity? I must have missed something? I guess she's also a wedding planner? Are weddings the only event that has left over flowers, decorations and food? (Might has a problem with the health department there, though) and what charity needs flowers? I'm sure this was addressed, but I missed it, I guess.

What was with that cheesy speech Charlie made to Billie encouraging her to let her true self shine through because she is such a spectacular person and has no reason to be so closed off, insecure, and damaged. Huh? As far as I could see she was a cheerful, confident, successful, very together woman. I was very confused. This was after Billie broke it off with him due to his lying and deceit. Was he trying to gaslight her into thinking it was her fault?

Why didn't Charlie help Billie with her presentation to the committee-who-decides-what-buildings-to-protect-from-mean-developers after sending an email giving her the advice to apply for protection? He wasn't doing anything else after quitting his job. Why not pitch in with a helping hand and get back on her good side?

Why should the committee save her warehouse despite the fact all were in agreement that the place held no historical value due to burning down in 1910? Even Billie? Because Billie loved it and lots of nice things happened there. Sounds like an investigation is in order especially since Jess was on the committee and didn't recuse herself.

Why did Billie wear a prom/bridesmaid floor-length formal to Jess's dressy-casual day-time wedding? Oooof.

Lastly, Joceyln Hudon, who played Billie, was robotic in her line delivery and it caused me to lose focus and interest. I might have even dozed off for a minute. Maybe this is why I didn't catch all of the subtleties in the plot. I was curious and looked up her resume and sure enough this is strike two for her, from me. She needs to do better, as do writers who wrote this thing.
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