A Glenbrooke Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
Wealthy heiress goes undercover to small town Colorado where she finds love.
29 October 2021
There is a romantic Christmas story in the town of Glenbrooke that says if you make a wish while the church bells are ringing on Christmas Eve, your wish will come true. It is said that Jessica's mom, who grew up in the town, made just such a wish to one day be married to Jessica's dad.

Jessica's parents passed away and she has been raised by her wealthy grandfather. She is on the cusp of taking over her grandfather's real estate dynasty and before all the craziness begins she decides to take one last Christmas vacation to where everything began for her parents...in Glenbrooke. She also decides to use a fake name do no one will know she is a wealthy heiress.

Her first encounter in Glenbrooke is when she almost runs over the town fire-chief (Kyle) and his boxes of cookies...aka the ginger-apocalypse. Not having ever lit a fire she ends up meeting the fire chief the second time in his official capacity when she forgets to open the flue and the cottage she is renting (which coincidentally is the one her mom grew up in) fills up with smoke.

Jessica ends up being surprised at how friendly and well informed the towns members are as to the goings on around town...like her arrival, smoke and ginger-apocalypse! Lots of Christmas events going on around Glenbrooke, but the one disappointment the Christmas bells are not functioning due to a burnt out motor.

Our fire-chief is more than meets the eye, he had an engineering degree from MIT, but grew up in Glenbrooke and wanted to come home.

Initially a little awkward at the start of the tree trimming, but this romance did grow and become more natural.

Can we send the ugly Christmas sweaters back to the purview of the fun uncles and spinster aunts?

"Well, I am pretty sure romantic and fire station have never been used in the same sentence."-Jessica.

Jessica ends up getting roped in to helping at the art center and organizing a fundraiser to get the bells up and ringing by Christmas.

Will Kyle be ok with her being a millionaire? You will have to watch and see in this sweet Hallmark holiday romance.

Not my favorite of Hallmark's Christmas films...but still a good one and worth a watch.
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