The Resident (2011)
JUST OKAY - (6 stars out of 10)
30 October 2021
The stage curtains open ...

After I finished watching this movie, I was split - not really knowing if I liked it or not. So, I decided to give it a week to settle in and then I decided that I neither loved it, nor hated it. It was "okay". Even so, it had some very good performances in it. When you feel your ire go up and you want to reach into the screen and throttle the creepy stalker, then you know they did their job right.

Hillary Swank plays the part of an ER Surgeon named Juliet Devereau who is in search of living accomodations after her boyfriend has an affair. She can't believe her luck when she stumbles across a spacious apartment with a too-good-to-be-true owner/manager. There is an immediate attraction between then, but as time progresses, she finds that her heart may still belong to her estranged boyfriend who is making efforts for amends. Meanwhile, she is being stalked to the point where the sicko gets braver and braver with each occurrence and her very life is in danger.

First, I will say that this was a very well made film with tight direction and decent acting. I felt that Jeffrey Dean Morgan was awesome in his role and he completely sold me on it. He totally immersed himself into his character, and it is because of him, more than anything, that makes this psychological thriller work. It was also great fun to see Christopher Lee once more working with Hammer Films. The use of colors and shadows was excellent.

I just think that there were a few loopholes that can't be ignored here, and the rewatchability factor for "The Resident" is low. It is a film that accomplishes what it sets out to do. It will thrill and chill you, but as such, I don't necessarily recommend it. I give it 6 stars out of 10. It is worth a watch if you are into this type of thing - that's all.
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