The Halloween III of the Paranormal Activity franchise
30 October 2021
It's a good found footage(-ish) film. But it's not great. And it _definitely_ should not be called Paranormal Activity. The cash grab of slapping that name onto the title is a big mistake that just ruins it for the people who would watch it. I'll explain...

  • Horror fans: They would've already seen the previous PA films. They either hated them (and wouldn't like this one any better, as is the case with most anti-found footage snobs), or they became...
  • Paranormal Activity fans: They would watch this one hoping for more greatness and then be sorely disappointed by this film that not only has nothing to do with the previous films, but also feels nothing like them. Even though the story itself _should_ feel very personal (an adopted child finding their birth family), you can't help but feel separated from it as the setting is one most people would never find themselves in. And not only that...
  • Found footage fans: They'd be the most annoyed out of everybody because this film breaks the cardinal rule. It abandons the format whenever it feels convenient, which also makes the scenes where they stuck with the format (and specifically _didn't_ show what the viewer would want to see) frankly obnoxious.

I'm grading it on my own personal found footage scale, as I do with every found footage film I can get my hands on (yeah, I'm one of _those_ weirdos), but honestly... I'll only watch the next one if Sam keeps his shirt off.
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