3 November 2021
I watched all of this within a thirty six hour period and thoroughly enjoyed it despite the obvious deficiencies in the story and the script. What happened to the drugs charges, for example? Did the cocky footballer ever get his comeuppance? Where did "the Swede" disappear to? There were so many loose ends that a second series could easily have been commissioned. I'm surprised it wasn't.

Belief had to be suspended on occasion. A paradise for youth wishing to leave society is jealously guarded online but easily findable in the real world. A PE teacher finds a cure for a disease that has defeated experts. No one notices a modern-day Fagin and his village of lost kids.

At ninety four minutes per episode, there was enough going on to hold the interest. Captain Maria (who is far more portly than she appears in the publicity shots) follows her investigations with flair and intuition.

The settings are interesting. They town has a beautiful old section and the surrounding countryside is dotted with fascinating ruins and landscapes. Even the port, which is meant to be one of Europe's busiest, looks elegant.

I don't regret having watched this at all.
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