A generally enjoyable and fun genre entry
13 November 2021
Arriving at the Borley Rectory in 1937, a paranormal investigator and his assistant try to get to the bottom of the reports of a series of hauntings at the location with a small crew of helpers, but as they stay more and more incidents continue forcing them to find the truth about the hauntings.

Overall, there's quite a lot to like with this one. The main likable feature here is the generally enjoyable setup that brings everybody together in the facility to carry out their investigations. The fact that so much of the first half focuses on a series of stories and experiences involving the incidents at the location between several different individuals within the community gives this a fun, old-school character. The retelling of the incidents, with one coming complete with a flashback recreation of the incident as well, adds a highly chilling and atmospheric vibe to the film which adds a lot to like here. That carries over into the eeriness of the various buildings and rooms that the chilling encounters and sightings occur. With the stories giving this a fine start with the ghostly figure being spotted in brief blasts standing menacingly behind someone, the film gets quite fun with the later seance that goes wrong as well as the brief encounters between the group and the figure in the building creates some chilling scenes at points. These are kept to short enough encounters that the sudden shock of the deformed nun ghost looks creepy in these quick scenes throughout the film, giving this one enough to like that hold it up overall. There isn't much to dislike here, which really only focuses on one area. This one tends to come off way too talky at times in favor of the supernatural action present here which might be a bit underwhelming at those points. The conversations that arise from the discussions of the incidents that occurred to each of the parishioners at the church or the investigators looking at the incidents within the house while they're there which does seem somewhat as the focus becomes far more laid back and lethargic during these scenes which for a film of this length is a bit of a drawback. The other issue is a confusing and somewhat nonlinear approach taken in the finale where it curiously decides to skip around in various timelines and different character outcomes that is really jarring to see play out. The final minutes of this one seem so random and disjointed in a rushed-through manner that just doesn't make any sense or tie into anything that came before, making for an underwhelming finish to the film. Combined with the lack of blood and gore at all with so little potential for any of that to happen that may or may not be an issue for some, these overall are what brings the film back.

Rated Unrated/R: Language and Violence.
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