14 November 2021
Well, not perfect, but considering it's entirely an amalgam of all the same tried and true elements of a suspense-thriller-actioner--: laser shields, a la "Mission Impossible", voyeur villain, a la "Saw"s, an assemblage of highly competitive criminal masterminds, each feigning disdain for the rest, but secretly fully aware of the others' genius, like too many to mention, et al.-- competently written, played,and filmed, I'd say the end result was admirable. Carlo Rota reigns supreme as the elegant evil genius behind the whole operation. William Forsythe and Kathleen Munroe are the best of the rest, and Gia Sandhu has some great moves, Michael Hough has the thankless task of trying to inject some humor amidst the groups"tensions, but the writing's admittedly below par in that regard. The "He's my father, he's my enemy, he's my.." etc ending can't quite measure up to all that's been set up, but adequate to make this a fairly satisfying watch.
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