Sure, why not? This was so very cheesy...
17 November 2021
Right, well I can't exactly say that I was expecting a whole lot from this obscure 1990 horror movie titled "The Laughing Dead". I mean, just the title alone is bad. But still, I opted to sit down to watch what writer and director Somtow Sucharitkul had to deliver with "The Laughing Dead".

And it wasn't a whole lot, let me just be the first to tell you. This movie was all over the place, and the storyline was just a heap of incoherent things. It felt like writer and director Somtow Sucharitkul wanted to put elements from every possibly thinkable horror subgenre into this movie. And the end result just wasn't a satisfying movie. In fact, the storyline just failed miserably.

The acting performances in Somtow Sucharitkul's 1990s horror movie "The Laughing Dead" were wooden and rigid at best. Some of the acting performances were downright cringeworthy to witness. So yeah, you are not in for a particularly extraordinary foray into the horror genre if you sit down to watch "The Laughing Dead".

Visually then "The Laughing Dead" was a mixed bag of nuts. Some of the effects were ludicrously bad and fake, while others were actually fair enough, still managing to pass as watchable and good enough in 2021. My personal favorite was the scene were a woman was pushed onto the floor and came to land against what was supposed to be a rock wall. But the wall moved and it was so obvious that it was just a foam wall. That scene made me laugh so hard.

For a horror movie then "The Laughing Dead" was a swing and a miss, especially since the storyline was all over the place and never really sticking to one concept. So there was an unnerving lack of a red thread throughout the course of this movie.

My rating of "The Laughing Dead" lands on a generous three out of ten stars. If you haven't seen "The Laughing Dead" already, there is no need to rush out to get to watch it.
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