Review of Bruised

Bruised (2020)
18 November 2021
Just finished watching this.

If you follow MMA you spot a few familiar faces in this.

The only reason I watched it is because Valentina Shevchenko is in it... I mean literally the only reason!

She is a legend of MMA and if you are not familiar with her, go check her out.

One of my issues is that there are some terrible actors in it. I mean for eg if you are an MMA fan like me, when you listen to the man and woman commentating the final fight.. it's horrendous to endure. They sound like radio personalities reading from a script.. just so unrealistic.

But even if you are not familiar with MMA the acting is still very 'hokey' along with other side characters/actors.

Without spoilers there are some odd parts to the story that don't really get explained. Things are kind of hinted at, eg someone she meets in the movie.. at a key point just ups and leaves and reappears at the end... it just seems very very sloppy how it was handled.

The movie has it's moments but nothing I feel that warrants it getting a higher rating than a 5 max.

Maybe others will enjoy it but for me it was generally underwhelming.
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