Jungle Run (2021)
Makes bad movies look good
22 November 2021
Genuinely can't think of a worse movie with worse acting (at this particular moment at least). Not only was it unwatchable but I couldn't even tolerate it as background noise while I was mindlessly scrolling through IG. Distractingly bad. I do not think acting gets worse than the acting in this movie. Can't tell if their jungle captain guide person was speaking another real or made up language but he had like 3 different accents. Still trying to think of a worse movie and can't. The cgi, yikes, whoever worked on this, don't quit your day job, unless working on movies is your day job then yes quit immediately. Wow. This movie made anaconda look like apocalypse now. Sometimes I watch bad movies just to roast them the whole time, this wasn't even good for that. Just looking at it left a bad taste in my mouth.
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