GIANT & surprising flaw in an otherwise classic film...
10 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was so please to finally take the time to see this film. Elizabeth Taylor was stunningly beautiful. Monty was believable as a heterosexual and it was fun to see Raymond Burr as a prosecutor and such a young Shelly Winters.

When the story turned into a court case it was beyond annoying that neither attorney addressed the most obvious and damning fact in the case: He LEFT her there! He returned home. He went about his business and then pretended to know nothing about any of it. He then tried to evade police. This was Chappaquiddick 18 years early.

The thing I loved most while watching it was this: I felt confident he would get what was coming to him for the simple reason that this movie was made in 1951. Bad guys had to pay for their crimes.

If this film was made in the late 60's and 70's or later, he wouldn't have gotten away with the crime, been portrayed as a victim, and went on to marry Liz, live in a mansion and then get divorced.

I love older movies.
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