One of the poorest directing jobs I've ever had to endure
17 December 2021
I'll start with what I liked, it's quite short.

The main idea is not new but it has potential, and the atmosphere in most of the movie is quite well achieved, mainly due to some good cinematography work (at some points very interesting) and some cool and creepy practical effects which helped this movie have at least a few scenes that I'll remember as interesting.

All the rest was nearly abysmal.

The script is terrible, really bad pace, nonsensical, incoherent behaviour, ridiculous scenes, horrible dialogs and very shallow relationship and character development.

The mediocrity of this movie starts in the writing, but it definitely explodes in your face thanks to the terrible directing work, with horrible performances, specially from Paul Le Mat as the protagonist, who went from humorous friendly teacher (in the very first scene he appears) to utterly unlikable and useless, what a pain to watch!

I don't want to mention every and each of the poor performances, as I don't want to spoil anything (if that's possible) and it would take too long, I'll say I only liked the dog, unfortunately he doesn't have a long role (a waste of talent if you ask me), so you can imagine how bad everyone else was.

There are long scenes of the characters running (or driving) around without stopping and thinking what the hell they're doing, nothing makes sense, ever.

The music is something that really bothered me, totally out of place classic orchestral music, at one point when they're sitting in a car stuck in traffic, it was the first time I felt confused about the music in a movie, thinking "what the hell did the director think at this point?!". Some parts of the music sounded a bit like Star Wars, in plain, uneventful moments in a little town in the middle of nowhere. Incredibly pretentious and misused.

It was an hour and half that felt like an eternity, almost quitted nearly an hour in, but I wanted to see the ending. It was nothing that redeems such a mess of a movie, still, there are a couple good cinematographically achieved scenes for which I'm glad I stayed that half hour.

I can't stress enough how bad this movie was. Boring, almost insultingly stupid and uninspired.

It could be better with a proper script, definitely, but as it is, I've been left with the sensation of a long time of suffering and rolling my eyes.
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