Watchable Early CCP China Film - The Shanghai Story
25 December 2021
Unfortunately, The Shanghai Story is not THE story of Shanghai after the fall of mainland China to the CCP in 1949. There are elements of truth in the film, and there are also stereotypes and exaggerations of CCP behavior. Some of what you see is true; and some of it is pretty silly stuff. Especially the ending; I will not reveal the ending, except to say it was one of the most ridiculous endings I have ever seen in a film. Edmund O"Brien was beginning to gain weight and age as a leading man, and looked more Rodney Dangerfield in a few scenes rather than a leading man. Ruth Roman was very good, however. And the direction is tight from Frank Lloyd. What we don't see are the motivations of the CCP in China at the time, and the amazing level of corruption of the KMT (that continues to this day in Taiwan). The fictional aspect of a "Chinese Underground" in Shanghai was also a complete fabrication; there was no such movement. However, the film is still entertaining.
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