The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
This is half of the series you're looking for
29 December 2021
Final edit - the finale was a fairly decent episode. The action set pieces were well done, but the writing and acting for this one wasn't quite as good as the previous two episodes. Overall I can't give the series anything higher than a 6/10 because the first four episodes just weren't very good at all. Too little, too late

Edit 5 - episode 6 is another very strong one. Great engaging story, great acting, suspense and cast. It's still a shame that we had to go through 4 rubbish episodes for this series to become enjoyable. This week is an 8/10, but the series overall is still a 6.

Edit 4 - well wadaya know, different cast, different director and all of a sudden we have an amazing episode. It's fairly annoying that the first episode without Boba Fett in it is by far the best one. On its own, this episode is 9/10. However, one good episode does not make a good series. Score bumped up to a 6

Edit 3 - so episode 4 continues with the same general boredom, terrible dialogue and shoddy acting. They are ruining one the best characters in Star Wars. Down to a 4

Edit 2 - oh dear, episode 3 is another stinker. We've gone straight back to bad writing, shoddy acting, woeful dialogue and epic amounts of nothing happening. Straight back from a 7 down to a 5

Edit 1 - after episode 2, things have improved a bit. A much more engaging episode with good action set pieces and better story. Gone from a 5 to a 7

Ok, so this is based off the first episode alone and I'll adjust my review accordingly as the episodes get released.

My oh my what a snooze fest for an opening episode.

The writing feels empty, fight scenes when they were ambushed were terrible and the acting feels fairly substandard as well

I want to get to hooked on a first episode, not bored to sleep

Here's to hoping it improves A LOT in the next episodes.
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