Review of WarGames

WarGames (1983)
Popcorn cinema with Coca-Cola, Mars bars and disco music. Welcome back to the Eighties.
14 January 2022
I first watched this film back in Eighties and long before I had any idea about computers and the things they can do. Back then I thought it was pure fantasy, but the cases of computer hacking throughout the years since have showed the opposite. I. T. Technology is far from perfect, still at this time and age, and in many cases hackers will find a backdoor entry somehow. Also, computer systems often screw up by themselves due to a faulty design or other nonsense. How many times I received an e-mail several days after it was actually sent. Also, many times human incompetence or sheer stupidity are the agent. What they promise us to be the latest technology to prevent identity fraud can backfire, and in this fully computerised age anyone with the knowledge and the skills can become a new Jackal with many identities in his sleeve to carry out his bulletproof plan.

War Games is an exciting and very entertaining film, despite a few implausibilities in the plot (David using a tape recorder to open an electronic lock, using a piece of metal to activate a payphone and make a free call) we still believe it. Also it remains as an amusing document of how computer technology has evolved in forty years since, and kids of today will probably laugh at the computers their daddies had, with those bulky monitors and those floppy disks big as a LP.
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