Other side of history
15 January 2022
As a cinematic action movie point of view, this was superbly done. The action sequences were compelling and gritty. And the historic view on both the chinese side aswell as the american side were pretty fair and accurate for that time and period. Some battle scenes and recreation of the sets were even top notch. This War was not a case of good and evil, as americans always like to depict, but it was a case of sovereign dignity.

On a political point of view, people might consider this as a propaganda movie, but the fact is the chinese PLA soldiers did stalemate the Korean War, this is an undeniable fact, that even western history books admits. So how can it be propaganda when written history acknowledge the facts depicted in this movie. It was no secret at that time the Americans made it a mission to eradicate communism. They were preparing for it, and that led North Korea struck at South Korea first. However this act of War from North Korea was provoked by the United States. China at that time allowed United States to defend South Korea, but warned them not to cross the 38th parallel. But United States didn't listen and went straight to occupy North Koreas capitol city Pyongyang. If China have let American forces to take over North Korea, that means a direct threat to China aswell. Put yourself in their shoes, what would you have done? What would any country have done if foreign forces were right at your borders.?You fight and defend. So thats what China did.

This movie might be melodramatic about it, but these chinese people have every right to make a movie to commend their fallen soldiers who basically fended off foreign aggression and for the next coming decades, created peace and stability in China for them to become the second largest economy of today, lifting millions out of poverty.
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