The Sellout (1952)
Though this fairy tale may be entertaining . . .
17 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . its false fantasy tries to reassure viewers that corrupt racketeers whom the Russian KGB install as local, state and federal officials sometimes get their just desserts in Real Life. "Haven," THE SELLOUT's title character, is bribed with a higher paying job at the Detroit News. A few months ago, a Kremlin pawn lopped 20 years off the prison term of the mayor who filched millions to bankrupt Detroit. Around the same time this Red Commie puppet freed his comrades working as foreign spies in positions ranging from Arizona sheriffs to the Governor of Illinois. Many Congress people, rogue generals and Red lawyers also got get-out-of-jail-free cards. None of the top government villains in U. S. History have EVER received lasting justice. From Ben Arnold to Dick Nixon, from Wart Harding to Herb Hoover--ALL have escaped meaningful punishment for High Crimes and KGB Misdemeanors. Every government employee swears to uphold a suicide pact that allows Red Commie assets to empty our jails, liquidate every honest citizen and then pardon themselves! THE SELLOUT keeps picturing a courthouse inscription reading "Justice is Truth in Action." What a crock!
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