What puzzles you is the nature of my game.
12 February 2022
René Clair located the action in an imaginary land ,at a time which is not historically precise: it may make you think of Italy and the characters of the prince and his wife might hint at a principality .A time which may remind you of the Renaissance or the seventeenth century when science and alchemy were not entirely differentiated :hence the people's wrath , sorcery was unholy ......Mephistopheles was one of the seven princes of Hell and one of the incarnations of the Devil;however, in the film,he's sent by the Devil (as Dominique and Gilles were envoys in "les visiteurs du soir" (1942),or on God' s side ,Clarence in "it's a wonderful life "(1945)). He's really on a mission .

Michel Simon ,actor extraordinaire ,as brilliant in the tragedy ("panique" ) as in the comedy ("drôle de drame" ) , was the best embodiment of the Devil I had ever seen;And Clair insisted his film be a tragi-comedy! Gérard Philipe 's portrayal was more contested ,but his boyish looks ,his romantic appeal and even his sniggering face when he appears for the first time cannot fail to win the audience over :his premature death was a major loss for the French cinema .Both actors play doubles ,which confuses the viewer and adds to the pleasure to watch these monstres sacrés together on the screen.

The first scene in the academy sets the tone :although doctor Faust is praised by his peers ,he's bored stiff during the ceremony (you should see Simon's face); a life devoted to science is an unfulfilled one ; by reading the lines in the palm of his hand,Marguerite (who appears as a gypsy ,an astute choice,for gypsies 'science is close to magic) tells him that "his life is over" .Naively ,Faust thinks that his true life,in which he will enjoy all the pleasures of life ,has begun.

Another side of the movie won't be lost on today's audience : after WW2, the fear of the atomic bomb reached peaks circa 1950; as Carné disguised the French resistance as a medieval fable in "les visiteurs du soir" ,Clair uses the legendary costume drama as a warning against the power of wealth and science : Faust becomes a pawn in the Devil's game he uses for destruction ,for man's downfall ; fortune and the princess are lures which can only be the death of the country and later on, the whole world .
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