Dying Light 2: Stay Human (2022 Video Game)
A bloated, kinda broken mess with some fun gameplay when the game doesn't glitch.
2 March 2022
I love the first game, I was very excited for the sequel but what could have been an equally awesome experience ended up a broken, bloated and to some extent disappointing entry. The gameplay is (sort of) it's strong point. When it worked it was fun (both combat and parkour) and this whole sandbox feeling was engaging, at least at the start. After a while not only did it get repetitive, but a lot of glitches were encountered as well(enemies would clip in the environment, objectives not being updated etc). The game was easy, and it would get hard only when the bugs would take place during combat. Still, some enjoyment WAS there, but it got buried under a lot of unfinished and broken issues.

The story wasn't that memorable in the first game, in this one it was even worse. Boring characters, uninspiring settings and missions (with one or two exceptions), and so so SO much dialogue. Techland just wanted to this unrealistic 500 hour thing, and got a bloated story as a result. I love story driven games, but the scenes and dialogue needs to be important somewhat to the narration. Here there was just talking for the sake of talking, each ncp would just ramble endlessly, making me ich to press that skip button. The ending was dump, and up until that point I was just waiting for the game to end.

I'm disappointed in this game, and I really wanted to like it.
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