The Endurance (2000)
Over Glorifying a Man who put them in danger for his own ignorance
21 March 2022
This version of the facts leaves out a lot about how they actually got into trouble in the first place.

Shackleton was advised before leaving that the ice was bad that year, and it was a poor choice to continue. He ignored this.

Shackleton ignored advice from Worsley telling him that continuing into the ice was a poor choice, yet he insisted on continuing.

It was Worsley who tracked the movement of the ice and kept track of their location.

When it came to moving forward, Shackleton ignored the advice again of Worsley and tried to move forward carrying supplies for days, taking tolls on the crew and equipment for no reason.

It was Shackleton that had them add ballast to the front of the small boat for their trip from Elephant Island, which almost caused them to sink,

During this trip, it was Shackleton that admitted to Worsley that he knew nothing about smaller boats after the fact.

In the end, it was Worsley who saved the day by getting them to South Georgia by his own navigational skills and calculations of their location that saved them all.

To be honest, there are better documentaries out there telling this story that contain more of the truth, this version simply makes Shackleton out to be some hero, Where in fact it was his own incompetence that could have killed them all.

Shackleton received the glory for Worsleys work and was made the hero,

This version of the story over glorifies Shackleton and his awful decisions.
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