Would it be a horror movie without stupid victims?
23 March 2022
Okay I think people have their genres mixed up, either that, or their standards are too high. The Halloween films have always been a bit hard to believe, yet they scare and entertain. It seems like people had a problem here though.

Yes, there are silly elements to it- such as getting an angry mob to chant EVIL DIES TONIGHT, a virtually defenseless town (like 3 people had a gun,) characters that try to go it alone when facing imminent danger, people just panicking to the point that they surrender and die. But its a horror movie! A slasher! Did you come into this movie hoping for some Oscar worthy, "elevated" horror drama like Hereditary? Well thats your fault. No, this movie is a fun time- a genuine slasher. You get grossed out, you get spooked, you laugh at parts that arent meant to be laughed at, and there are deliberately funny moments too.

This movie, yes, it will frustrate you, but no differently than any other Halloween movie; THEY NEVER TRY TO KILL MICHAEL IN ANY LOGICAL WAY. In my opinion, the first one lacked in proper story placement. This one only lacks in terms of character smarts- everyone is basically really stupid besides a couple exceptions. It's a fun slasher, never a dull moment.
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