Review of Descent

Descent (2007)
Know the difference
23 March 2022
This is not the british horror movie that also goes by the name/title Descent! It also is anything but decent - in more ways than one. And it is a movie that will not be for the faint hearted or easily offended. The beginning alone might be too much for you - and it is a theme I personally do not like see explored - even in a fictional way. Although clearly this is a message and unfortunately still a truth that exists in the world, whether we like to admit it or not.

And it also ends in a place that will be hard to stomach. But as others have stated - and whether they liked the movie or its theme and more importantly its execution (no pun intended) and the morality of it in the end: there is a lot of running time that unfortunately is not doing much. And I don't mean it literally (although that is also true), but in the sense that it seems stuck. And while that is something that could work for the theme, it does not work with the tone of the movie that is all over the place.

I really like Rosario Dawson and I think no one will dismiss her as artist and an actress - but even she can't save the movie. Good intentions (if you want to call them that) be damned - it just doesn't work ... other than for the shock factor - which to be fair is one of the main goals. In that it does succeed ... but that is only a small part of it all. And could have been told in a short movie - in a way better fashion. Because there is not enough to maintain a stable pace and have this be feature length movie.

Let's hope this review will stay - the orignal one I did somehow got deleted - I am guessing by accident. Anyhow, I understand if you feel differently - you may be more leniant in respect to what I would call a movie filled with flaws and just be intrigued by the (social) message the movie tries to deliver ... as much as it did surely shock people who watched it, it did not achieve changing the root problem it adresses ... unfortunately.
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