To be a great love story, the audience needs to care about the characters....and it's pretty difficult here.
25 March 2022
During the 1960s and into the 70s, several really great race films debuted which were set in Europe and which starred America actors, such as "Le Mans" (Steve McQueen) and "Grand Prix" (James Garner). While "Bobby Deerfield" is about Formula-1 racing, is set in Europe and stars a big America star (Al Pacino), it's not much like these other two films...mostly because the emphasis definitely is NOT on racing but on a relationship between the lead and a strange woman. It bombed with the public back in 1977 and isn't considered by many to be a classic...unlike these other race films. In fact, some consider it among Pacino's worst pictures. But is it really that bad? Is it worth your time?

Bobby (Pacino) has been a successful race driver in Europe and this does make you wonder why he isn't driving in the States. But regardless, his life is changed when he meets Lillian (Swiss actress, Marthe Keller).

Now the relationship between Bobby and Lillian that follows is very strange...as if it's between caricatures instead of real people. Lillian often talks in riddles or says outrageous things (such as her long rant about phallic imagery and car racing) and this makes her VERY difficult to believe or even care about at all. As for Bobby, it summed it up when he told her flat out that she was confusing him and what she said often didn't make any sense. It really feels like in many scenes that she's from some pretentious European art film and Pacino is just sitting there...baffled by the whole thing! I am sure audiences felt much the same.

So let's cut to the chase. Despite Lillian being, at best, an acquired taste, you eventually learn that she's dying and the film becomes a tragic romance, much like "Love Story". The problem is that by then, many viewers will dislike Lillian so much that they are left not caring...or hoping she'll go sooner than later! In addition, expecting Bobby to care so much seems to be a stretch.

Overall, a film that obviously confused a lot of viewers. Most, I assumed, were expecting a racing film with lots of action. Instead, there's practically no action and the film is about existential angst....which might appeal to folks to love Ingmar Bergman films but probably not people wanting to see a racing or Pacino picture. To me, it was boring and I felt very disconnected from the picture...and much of it was because I disliked Lillian so much. On the plus side, and there aren't a lot of pluses, the European locations made for a pretty film...so it's not a total waste of time.

By the way, if this film leaves you cold and you need a pick me up, try "Talladega Nights"...a race film that is pretty much the complete opposite in every possible way! Yes, there's romance and racing but otherwise you would NEVER mix up the two movies!!!
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