Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones (1971 TV Movie)
70's TV takes on 50's exploitation topics.
8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Amusing 70's TV drama set in the 1950's with Desi Arnaz Jr. And Christopher Templeton as very young newlyweds expecting a baby, something that puts a dent in the plans of her parents, Dina Merrill and Dan Dailey, but their insistence that they're going to handle things their own way has them getting their own place even though she's only 16 and he's on the verge of graduating from high school. They say it's the first fifty years of marriage that are the hardest, and when grandmother Jessie Royce Landis gives her own opinion, you better be listening. Typical marital problems insue especially with him turning into a bit of a square when he joins the work force.

The self-centered Merrill may seem like Donna Reed on the outside, but when it comes to really being there for her daughter, she's obviously concerned more about propriety and what other people think that her daughter's happiness. Veteran song and dance man Dailey is wasted, but Landis steals every moment that she's on screen, slowly bonding with her grandson-in-law. Larry Wilcox is a far cry from his "Chips" character as Arnaz's best friend, and Nicholas Hammond is extremely stuffy as the man Merrill tries to set Templeton up with before the news is revealed. Susan Strasberg as Templeton's best friend makes an impact as well. Nothing earth shattering but pleasant.
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