Bill Maher: #Adulting (2022 TV Special)
The far-left is to 2022 as Puritans are to 1622
16 April 2022
Its preference for silencing dissent at the expense of free speech, dogmatism over following the facts, vilification of anyone who dissents, etc. As for us voters, we've spent too much time on social media and in our own echo chambers to see the world as it truly is. We've forgotten who the real baddies are - totalitarian regimes such as China and Russia - and how our goal is to strengthen our republic in order to provide a better life for others, both in our country and around the world. Having worked in our school system, I've seen the essay testing of the late nineties become an exception rather than the rule, and as our focus shifted to standardized testing, our kids have not been extensively coached on the ability to analyze arguments, perceive nuance, and reach compromises. The world is perceived in black and white, rather than greyscale; true or false, rather than the "depends on..." essay form.

Of course there are plenty of measured adults and well-informed, analytical kids and, but we are the exception rather than the rule - on both the left and the right. We are the proud heretics and the true Resistance - and we love Bill Maher, because he consistently points out all the hypocrisy and buffonery that has plagued the Democrats over the last few years, as well as the ongoing trainwreck that is the Republican side. This special does exactly that - puts into words all the ridiculousness of the past few years and the heartbreak of those of us who've been lifelong Democrats. I voted Democrat on my first election in 2004 and have continued to do so ever since, but recently changed my registration to Independent. I have no interest in belonging to a cult.

So thanks, Bill Maher! You're the only reason we bother with HBO Max ever since the demise of GOT (but that's a whole other post).
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