Unlikely hero
25 April 2022
"Una donna per 7 bastardi" tells the story of a nameless stranger (Richard Harrison), limping on a crutch, who comes to a completely isolated village after his car broke down. Some criminals (e.g. Gordon Mitchell, Ivano Staccioli, Luciano Rossi) hide in these few huts. They once killed a stranger to relieve him of his gold. The newcomer is soon threatened by them, too...

This sleazy film thrives on its scruffy characters, from the harmonica-playing hunchback to the maniac escaped from the mental asylum. The screenplay sends someone as a hero into this charged atmosphere who can hardly defend himself, just by thrashing around with his crutch. And the only woman in town, played by Dagmar Lassander, is subject to daily harassment by basically everyone. The movie is truly bizarre, yet worth a look if you like 70s Grindhouse flicks.
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