The Twilight Zone: A Nice Place to Visit (1960)
Season 1, Episode 28
7 May 2022
Rod Serling, the genius he was, often wrote stories that were more than stories, perhaps what could be, if we didn't let out imaginations run too wild! He also had assistance here from Charles Beaumont, another master of storytelling. Beaumont later said he got his macabre sense of humor (if not ideas) from all the weird tales he listened to supplied by his aunts!

This has got to be the greatest TZ episode of them all. All us high schoolers talked about this one. Sebastian Cabot is extremely well cast and genuinely eerie as MISTER PIPP, the noble butler to thief Rocky Valentine. Originally, Mickey Rooney was considered for this role, but had conflicts. He would have been sensational. Popular actor and later game show host Larry Blyden was chosen, and he's quite good, making the most of this role.

He's plays a crook without a conscience, who wakes up --after being shot dead --in paradise, or is it? Best line dept. Mr. Pipp to Rocky, "You said you didn't need this like a hole in the head." "Ya, I did." "Well, Mr. Valentine, you do have a hole in your head!"

According to production notes, both Serling and Beaumont had to be very careful as to the "wording" and "phrases" when Rocky meets all the beautiful women in his new life! This was 1960, so censureship was running rampant at the time. Even certain lines from classic old movies were cut back in those days! If you could believe it.

One outstanding episode that will live forever in tv land. Sebastian Cabot's fine performance may have lead to him being cast as Mr. French (in a complete turnaround) on FAMILY AFFAIR. The very best from Season One. Get the box set for this one.
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