Audiart the Son has produced yet another minor masterpiece
8 May 2022
Serious vitality present in this piece probably just the lifeforce of the sexual drive of mankind

Those millennials here live in a very bleak world ruled by necessity survival greed selfishness in a way which previous generations can only gawp at in disbelief

It can be best summarized in the question "Is this what it has come to?" The answer is seemingly yes

Relationships are commercial transaction or shadows of that; an ersatz for human interraction; what did we seriously expect after 40 years of Neoliberalism? A more caring way of relating .... these are folks who know nothing but precariousness of work and relationships; a subtle urban brutality is written in their daily wherever they look add to that the digital alienation which is the wallpaper and in some ways the blueprint of their lives .... nothing else could have come out of all this

It is a beautiful depiction of this milieu this section of the population; the 13th Arrondissement of Paris looks more like Saõ Paulo or Shanghai than it does Paris

The truly bilingual and bicultural reality of the main character here Émilie is awesome to watch the switching between the 2 worlds between Voltaire and Kong Fu Tzu without even a blink. All the actors here are excellent and Audiart the son has produced yet another minor masterpiece like The Prophet he made a few years back. Here it is a Parisian Love story for the 21st century.
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