Stop comparing it with Normal People
18 May 2022
Because it was never trying to be. Not really sure about the low ratings. This isn't a masterpiece by any stretch, but there's a lot here that people just aren't seeing, or aren't bothered to.

First off, the entire point of the story in the book is that Frances and Nick struggle desperately to express themselves properly. It's what makes their conversational interactions awkward whereas their physical interactions are where they feel more comfortable. I'm not sure how people are claiming this is "unrealistic" or "bland". I mean sure, real people can be bland at times but if you don't dare to look beyond the surface, why are you even bothering with this? Either way, they are certainly not unrealistic. The way the show depicts Frances and Nick's frustrations in expressing themselves is how it was in the book and how it is for many people in reality. In that sense then I completely disagree with the criticism that they were miscast. Both actors did entirely what was required of them as characters. If you find that boring then okay, you're entitled to your opinion but again I'm not sure how you can call it a fault on the writer's part.

I think the performances are delicate and detailed, and just like Normal People it feels real. Although that's the only comparison I'd dare to make between the two shows, because as I said one was never trying to be the other. If you believe CWF was true to its novel then the criticism makes no sense anyway, seeing as though the book of CWF was written before NP. So wouldn't that make NP the copycat?

I agree 12 episodes can feel a bit exhausting after a while but that's the problem these days with streaming especially - everyone watching this show is probably trying to binge it in a day - when it's obviously going to be far more impactful if you take your time with it.

Relax, watch a few episodes at a time, and don't be thinking about Normal People when you watch because thematically, this is not that.
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