This is a B movie. So watch it as one. Kid friendly (no nudity) no brain activity and plenty of smiles
20 May 2022
Movie has an awful pacing. Slow throughout the movie except the last 20 minutes someone took a dose of Speed and wait it ended. And they aren't from the future. From another planet more like it. I think the ladies acted way better than the men. Movie is clearly not in English (is there an original Italian track?? Or is it multi language like Eastwoods Spaghetti westerns were. I still wanted the original language just for a fun track. Could have subtitles for non english sections.. But this movie has alot of Beastmaster like stuff in it with a little Flash Gordon in it. And that song Yor's World . Love that one. Pure early 80's romp music.. Quality? Uh no be lucky if it was 2... But B movie fans it's a must.. If it's a movie I watch it the same for $2.95 on blu ray I had to cause it looked pure B movie

Quality: 2/10 Entertainment: 9/10 Re-Playable: 8/10.
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