Interesting but not compelling
24 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Both the novel and the series never really gripped me in terms of narrative. The adaptation is not at fault for this I just found neither the novel or the show created characters that were compelling to watch. Francis despite all her emotional turmoil feels boring and when she calls herself plain I feel my self nodding. She just doesn't compel me and the adaptation rang true to that. Nick and their relationship is another flat point it feels meh. Like I can't fathom why either of them wants to be in that relationship they offer very little to each other. It's only the last scene that really pulls them together. Bobbi makes some interesting points but the whole time I just wished they had been said by someone else as it all seems so self-serving. In the end the narrative plot points and characters are underwhelming.

However, some really interesting takes on society which makes this novel and series worth engaging in. It proposes challenges to traditional relationships and simply asks it audience to consider what works best for them. It also highlights the plights of endometriosis in a way that feels more authentic. It's something that Francis continues to live with, with little to no recourse. It's apart of her story but it's not the entirety. Lastly I felt interested in the series contemplation of moral superiority- characters frequently profess high moral philosophy that they themselves can't live up to. They denegrate others in an effort to prop themselves up, despite their own failings.

Overall I would recommend watching this series if you are looking for a thought provoking text but don't watch this if you're looking for a grand romance or compelling narrative it's neither of those.
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